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7 Effective Ways of Parenting

Being a parent is one of the toughest and most fulfilling job in the world especially when you want to raise a happy and confident child. As the child reaches different milestones we become more conscious, protecting and dominant towards the child. Everyone has different approach with the same focus, we may act on our gut feelings or follow the techniques of our parents and elders.

No matter what your parenting style is – or if you have not figured it out yet let’s read out few ways where you can achieve an effective parenting style.

1. Appreciate Your Kid

Always make them proud by appreciating their accomplishments however small it is. Your words and actions will affect their mental and physical well-being more than anything else. When they say their first word, make a sentence, build blocks, pick up stuffs, throws a ball, climb stairs or do a new activity always encourage and clap for them showing that you are proud of it.

Always choose your words carefully and be compassionate. It is necessary to tell your kid that everyone makes mistake and that is fine, there is always a room for improvement. Above all you will always love and support them.


2. Be a Role Model

Action speak louder than words. Your tone of voice, your body language and your every expression are absorbed by your kids. Express respect, friendliness, honesty, kindness, tolerance, thanks and offer compliments. Gradually you will find, your kids are imitating your actions like when you say thanks for a gesture you will soon listen a thanks in cute voice of your lovely child for the same gesture.

Be the person you want your child to be.

3. Show Your Unconditional Love

Act of love like giving them hugs, spending quality time together, eating together and listening them triggers the release of feel-good hormones such as oxytocin and these neurochemicals brings calmness and emotional warmth.

Sometimes you restrict your child for their safety and other reasons, try not to hurt their sentiments by blaming or criticizing. Instead you can encourage them to do it in right way. When your child plays with sand and try to put it in the mouth, instead of scolding and saying a harsh no accompany them while playing and show them how to play with sand, build structures and tell them it is not fit for eating.


4. Communicate with Your Child

Always communicate with your kid no matter how young they are. Kids will learn the vocabularies and way to express themselves by watching you doing it. This way you help your child integrate different parts of brain which is a critical process in child’s development.

Listen to your kid when they speak, help them to complete sentences by asking them to describe what happened. Soon you will find your child is trying to copy your words and practicing it, gradually making phrases and small sentences.


5. Follow a Routine being Flexible

Making a habit of sleeping, eating, playing and other activities at the same time everyday helps your child to get along with you without any or less tantrums. This will improve their regular routine, punctuality and mental well-being. If you follow regular breakfast routine to feed your child on the table, when you walk towards that table in the morning your child knows it’s breakfast time and this way child will not throw tantrum unless something else is bothering.

With the growth of child their need will change gradually, so always keep a room for flexibility in your parenting style.


6. Regular Outdoor Activities

Kids like to go out every day and they will always ask you to accompany them in the parks or playground. Playing outdoors, inhaling fresh air and physical activities makes your child strong and happy. Children who are more indulged in outdoor activities are more strong and have fit body.

It is also an opportunity for the child to learn to play with other kids, make friends and share their belongings. This way you can take out time every day to bond with your child while doing fun activities.


7. Be Gentle to yourself

It’s okay if you cannot do everything perfectly. Parents too need care. Try to take out me-time for yourself and do things that makes you happy. Most often we neglect the health of our marriage after the child is born, take out time to strengthen your relationship with your spouse.

Don’t be afraid to ask for parenting help. Talk your friends and family whenever needed. Your own well-being does not makes you selfish, it is also an important lesson for your child to follow.


Include these tips in your parenting style and you will see amazing improvement in your children physical and mental health. It may be tiring initially but for a long run you are going to raise a happy, active, healthy and confident child. And never forget-

“Being a parent is blessing…. More power to all the parents and their way of parenting….”


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